
Working with Jordin and Curtis has been… life-giving. That is the best word I can find to describe it. Coffee with steamed soy, Pandora One playing a Jon Foremon or Bon Iver station in the background… occasionally good old Florence. I feel like a part of the team. Thank you, Jordin and Curtis for valuing my input and opinions. You’ve thrown me in to the deep end in a way – allowing me to really learn and grow – but you’ve supported me in the best way possible. And now I’m getting all sentimental.

I enjoy coming to work. I’m learning about my personality and giftings – how I’m wired. I enjoy the design work tremendously. Often, as I cull a wedding, or adjust a preset in Lightroom, I realize how helpful these specific skill sets will be for my architecture work too (thesis this fall).

Having had the privilege of working in a variety of environments (from mission work overseas to architecture firms in New York City), I was excited to try something new and learn about the photography industry. Jordin and Curtis are passionate photographers and designers and business people. They are committed to excellence and serving their clients with the best of care. And yet, while maintaining this level of professionalism and creativity, they value people – both clients, family, each other, and me. They value life. In the midst of working – they are fun to be around. really. I love being around them.

I think it is because they have a bigger perspective. A perspective allowing them to live for something that is much bigger than themselves. Yes, it is easy to lose the perspective a bit while tweaking the white balance on that one photo for the millionth time, after sitting and staring at the computer screen for 5 hours straight. This one? or this one? or this one? I can’t see the difference anymore!

I am learning. Learning what work isn’t. It is not the be all, end all. (shout out to all you fellow recovering perfectionists and work-a-holics) It is not my sole purpose. or my worth. or my value. I don’t have to be terrified of messing up. I’m learning what work is. It is a good part of life. It is creative. generative. It is a beautiful part of life. Experiencing this is freeing.

I feel free.

–Becca (from The Girls in the Office)

 And now, Elizabeth. :)

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