It may not be quite as hip to reference Kinfolk now that we’re all aware and obsessed, but at the time that we met Shauna and Alex, Kinfolk was in its infancy and had yet to see the likes of an Anthropologie shelf. I had happened to have already heard of the light-inspired group of small-gathering artists when some west coast friends began doing shoots for them. When Shauna sheepishly mentioned the little-known magazine as a point of inspiration for her wedding, the four of us clicked on a mutual love of small gatherings, enjoying friends’ company over good food, and a love of natural light and 35mm and medium format film. Shauna trickles her inspiration tumblr with some of her own photography, which is beautiful. I love shooting for like-minded artists. Shauna and Alex are a joy. I am sure I will be incorporating into their wedding as many rolls of film as I can afford (of course along with the usual digital getup… for the time being *wink wink*).
Meet Shauna and Alex: