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Our brother! We took Kenny out earlier this year for some “promo” stuff, but these are his REAL senior pictures. We had a really hard time picking out the pictures for the blog. He’s so handsome. :)
This was our second time heading out to Birmingham for a shoot, and we loved it again. There’s so much to shoot there! Not to mention Devin who’s a natural in front of the camera. And once she and Jordin started talking, there was no stopping them! They literally laughed and talked the entire time, which made for really fun pictures!
Here are some of our favorites:
Our second Lauren from Adams this year! This shoot had us a little scared as it rained all day. Then, just as we were about to have to reschedule, the sun came out and gave us the coolest pictures ever! We had a lot of fun playing with colors, since Lauren has amazing red hair that looks so cool with other colors.
On our way home, we watched an incredible sunset and managed to snap a few shots before it disappeared. Here are some of our favorites from the day:
Got a little behind during our move, but before we left, we got to meet Becky and take her downtown Rochester for her senior pictures. We had a lot of fun talking about high school theater, because Becky’s been doing shows with the Rochester Summer Music Theater program, where Jordin and I first started dating! Awww. :)

Caroline is the spunkiest girl we’ve shot. :) She’s always laughing and bouncing around (maybe because she runs seven days a week and is in better shape than Jordin and I combined). She’s not scared of rolling up her jeans either, which made it really fun when we saw cool shooting locations, because she’d go anywhere! Creeks, fields, prickers, you name it.
And she has the prettiest blue eyes in the world! Here are some of Jordin and I’s faves from the day:
We did Jenna’s senior pictures a little earlier this summer, after which they realized she didn’t do any pictures in her varsity jacket
or Lacrosse uniform! So we took her out again for a little shoot and got some really cool sporty senior pictures. Here’s a couple faves:
Creative Guy Senior Pictures in Rochester and Birmingham, MI » Curtis Wiklund's Blog - […] That said, Jeff made it pretty darn easy for us. He and his sister are both very photogenic. We shot his sister Devin’s pictures a couple years back. You can see Devin’s pictures HERE. […]