This was a fun shoot. Gabe is a ridiculously talented musician, and he’s a stud. And he’s really fun to hang out with while taking pictures. :)
I’m hoping I get to do some music with him at some point! Here are some faves from the shoot:
Well this shoot was easy. Lauren has a beautiful smile and laughs a lot. Photographer’s dream. :) We tried to get some “wintery” shots inside too, since she absolutely looooves winter and snow. Here are some of our favorites:
Trevor is not one of, but the funniest person I know. I wish I could post his whole shoot- We had so much fun. Get to know this face,
because it will be famous and making you laugh in the near future.
He also has a strange affinity for Red Bull. They got wallets of the first picture. :) (PS- Trev, I get the first one)
Here’s a few favorites from our shoot with my awesome brother in-law. These are “promo pics” so he could show his friends our work. Stay tuned for his “real” senior pics later this month.
Wow, there are so many good ones! We are going to have a fun viewing session!
Jordin and I met Emma for the first time last night. She’s an “earth tones and barns” kind of girl who feels most comfortable in a tank and jeans. And she’s probably one of the “smiliest” seniors we’ve had :) We had a lot of fun. Here are some of our favorites:
Our best friends in the world just got back from their honeymoon and moved to Chicago today. Ugh. Change.
We made them a guest sign-in book for their wedding from the engagement shoot we did together. Here’s the wrap-around cover:
More of their engagement shoot pictures can be seen in our gallery.
May 21, 2010 - 4:41 pm
Where did you get the guest sign-in book made?
Unique Vintage Senior Picture Shoot with a Picnic and Quilts » Curtis Wiklund's Blog - […] PS – one of our first senior picture shoots was with Lydia’s brother Trevor, who looks totally different now :) He is one of my favorite people on the planet. Check ‘em out: Trevor’s Senior Pics […]